Thematic Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education

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Thematic Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity

The network focuses on teacher education for different levels of education, with a specific focus on social justice and diversity in education. To learn more visit their website.


The network will enhance teacher education for equality and social justice in the Arctic region. Short-term goals will be to advance shared research on topics relevant to TN’s members, establish steady cooperation between teacher educators across the member universities, and stimulate staff and student exchange. A long-term goal will be to develop a virtual research and resource centre for high quality teacher education research and practice.

The thematic network on Teacher Education currently has seven different projects:

Distance Teaching and Learning in the Arctic Communities (DistARCTIC). The project aims to draft a book proposal focusing on pedagogical practices in online/distance teaching and learning. The overall goal of the proposed project is to provide educators in schools and in teacher education means to reach their full potential of using digital tools in rural education.

Socially Innovative Interventions to Foster and to Advance Young Children’s Inclusion and Agency in Society through Voice and Story (ADVOST). The project will take into practice the theoretical guiding principles for facilitating and enhancing young children’s voice in specific contexts. This will be done in close cooperation with practitioners working with indigenous children in Finland, marginalized, indigenous, and immigrant children in Canada, and children with diverse ethnical and cultural backgrounds in the UK.

Global Media Education through Development of Online Teaching (GloMED). The project seeks to develop a joint study course on Global Media Education through collaborative knowledge exchange between experts from University of Lapland, Finland and Education University of Hong Kong, China.

Creating Connections in the Arctic Educational Science Community (ConnectED). The project aims to create connections between early career scholars and researchers across the Arctic by organising a series of researcher visits.

Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in a post-Covid-19 New Future. The project focuses on finding new pathways through the post-pandemic world in educational sciences.

Theory-Practice Balance in Teacher Education (TEPATE). The project aims at improving the quality and relevance of initial teacher training at the Mozambican partner HEIs.

PromoTing Sustainable PRactices for Digitalizing IndigenoUS CulTural Heritage - Global North and South Juxtaposed (TRUST). The project strengthens research in the Global North and South by concentrating on interdisciplinary groups processing practices for digitalizing Indigenous cultural heritage.

UNITWIN/UNESCO Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education

The UNITWIN/UNESCO Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education was established on May 2018. The Network continues and globally expands the cooperation already started in the UArctic TN on Teacher Education. The Coordinator of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Network is Professor Tuija Turunen, the leader of the UArctic TN on Teacher Education.


The network aims to facilitate interaction and promote research and joint teaching among the teacher education programmes in the member universities. At the initial stage, the network envisages the following:

  • Shared research
  • Publishing a joint book
  • Joint conference presentations
  • Co-authoring research articles
  • Common study modules/study courses
  • Student/teacher/researcher mobility, both short-term and full-term visits, including teaching and research

To learn more about the network and its news, visit the page News & blogposts.

Read the latest news stories here below:

For more news, please see the Related News section.



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Other Information

Video interview: Tuija Turunen, former Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education