New publication on well-being in Canada’s Arctic

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Canadian Studies Center managing director Nadine Fabbi and the Jackson School’s 2020-22 Banting Fellow, Patricia Johnston, co-edited a special edition the American Review of Canadian Studies.

The special edition of the American Review of Canadian Studies on “Social Services, Supports, and Well-Being in Arctic Canada and Beyond” was published in September of 2021.

The publication, groundbreaking in focusing on Arctic wellness as an emerging academic field and in providing insights located in Indigenous approaches to wellness and well-being, is the culmination of an 18-month Global Innovation Fund awarded to Canadian Studies by the UW Office of Global Affairs. It represents a collaboration between Canada and the United States representing both Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers, practitioners in the field and on-going writing workshops with a professional editor from Québec.

Read the full introduction written by Fabbi, Johnston and the 2021-22 UW Fulbright Canada Visiting Chair in Arctic Studies, Tram Nguyen.