A major contribution to Sámi Studies, The Sámi World presents a diversity of research topics from across Sápmi, providing rich understandings of Sámi worlds. The book has been edited by Sanna Valkonen, Professor of Sámi Research, and researchers Áile Aikio, Saara Alakorva and Sigga-Marja Magga from the University of Lapland.

As part of the activities of the UArctic Thematic Network on Local-scale Planning, Climate Change andResilience, John Duffy (University of Alaska, Anchorage) will share highlights of his research which considersthe linkages between local government planning efforts for addressing climate change and associated actions. The eve...

PhD candidate Judith Maréchal from Arctic DTU went to Tromsø in Norway with north2north mobility funding to learn more about the relationship between the water supply infrastructure and public health in Greenland.

The Læra Institute is excited to annouce publication of the first version of the guidebook to Circumpolar Studies curriculum development, to support UArctic member faculty who are developing, re-developing, reviewing or enhancing undergraduate curricula focused on the study of the Circumpolar North. 

Takafumi Fukuyama is a doctoral researcher at Hokkaido University’s Center for Advanced Tourism Studies (CATS). He is currently conducting a long-term international project, “Sustainable Indigenous Tourism Practices in Northern Finland and Japan”, bringing two indigenous groups from different lands: Sámi (Finland) and Ainu (J...

UArctic's Chief Communications Officer Scott Forrest (University of Lapland) and Vice-President Mobility Isabelle (UiT - The Arctic University of Norway) began a series of meetings at UArctic members in western Canada with a visit to Yukon University.