Meet UArctic second session: Mobility

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The University of the Arctic is pleased to announce the second session of "Meet UArctic", out monthly online update and Q&A meeting for members.

The monthly online sessions are open for all UArctic member institutions who wish to participate. The second session is dedicated to the topic of mobility.

The meeting will be held on February 16 at 1700 UTC (North America optimized).

Session's agenda:

Update from UArctic (10 mins, Lars Kullerud)
Update from north2north (10mins, Isabelle Guissard, UArctic Vice-President Mobility)
Q&A from participants (30mins)
Conclusion (10mins)

A Zoom Meeting link will be sent out to the member institutions in our next Monthly Member Bulletin edition on February 1st. 

If you don't receive our monthly Member Bulletin and want to request the invite link please email us at: