The Northern Political Economy symposium of 2018 invites scholars from a range of disciplines to reflect on the elements of continuity in the Arctic and the ways in which continuity and change mesh. Among other questions, the symposium asks to what extent the view of Arctic as a central stage for change works to effectively gloss over powerful continuities, such as the lingering of colonial and exploitative practices and hierarchical center-periphery relations.
Abstracts (max. 250 words) should be sent by 28 June 2018 by email to Marjo Lindroth. When sending the abstract, the scholars name, title, affiliation and contact information should be attached. Confirmations of acceptance will be sent by early July the latest.
The final programme will be announced by 8 August. The programme will include a keynote talk, presentations by the participants and discussions on the basis of presentations. A symposium dinner will be organized.
There is no participation fee and the organizers will cover the costs of meals during the seminar. Please note that the symposium participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs.
The symposium is organised by the Northern political economy/Sustainable development research group, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland. More information about Symposium can be asked from organizing team: Heidi Sinevaara-Niskanen and Marjo Lindroth.