The Research Council of Norway, in collaboration with various programmes, invites proposals for its research on land use management in the coastal zone. Funding aims to promote research-based knowledge for integrated and sustainable land-use management in the coastal zone. The deadline for this call is 9 September 2015.

Arctic College of the peoples of the North situated on the river Kolyma mouth is the only institution in Yakutia (Russian Far East) educating certified reindeer herders. In June 2015 the college became a new member of the University of the Arctic.

The 9th UArctic Rectors’ Forum has concluded at Umeå University, Sweden, held from August 19-21, 2015. This year's theme was 'The Challenges of Arctic Research'.

Canada is the only circumpolar country without an Arctic university. Kyle Carsten Wyatt's article for the Walrus magazine discusses why one should be established and how it would benefit people both in the North and in the South. Full article on the Walrus website.

The Students' Forum portion of the UArctic Rectors' Forum begins today in Sweden at Umeå University. Student representation in the Rectors' Forum has become a regular feature, and gives a direct student voice into the main issues of higher education and science being addressed.

At the training ground "Spasskaya Pad"was held the joint summer school of Hokkaido University, Institute of Biological Cryolithozone Problems (Siberian Branch RAS) and North-Eastern Federal University. The study involved NEFU students and postgraduates, and nine students from the Hokkaido University.

A new book of fairy tales "Tales of the river," based on the folklore of Indigenous Peoples of the North will be illustrated by children. The book author Elena Namakonova writes her own fairy tales based on rare folklore sources, recorded among indigenous peoples by number of researchers and ethnographers in the early XX cent...

The scientific conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change” (CFCC15), organised in Paris in July 2015, covered the full landscape of scientific knowledge on climate change. The Outcome Statement indicates the scientific foundation for action, with both problem and solution space.