The university wide Department of Northern Studies in concert with
NEFU Research Library holds a regular set of lectures in the framework of Cold Lands Seminar. This time Canada will be the subject.
There are such invited lecturers as Irina Sosina, Doctor of Political Sciences, with the topic “Political Order of Canada” and assistant professor of the Department of Northern Studies Vitaly Alekseyev that will acquaint the public with the process of the formation of new Canadian federation subject – Nunavut Territory. The lecture of Elena Totonova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, is of special interest, her topic is “Experience of Tourism Development in the North of Canada”.
«Issues to be discussed in the lectures are very challenging, - Vitaly Alekseyev tells. - There are changes in Russian political order that to a certain degree touch upon questions of federalism and the experience of Canada as a federal state can help us. Secondly, considering that natural resources stocks are exhaustible, the rising interest in Arctic region resources is natural. Therefore the Canadian experience of arctic territories development is very interesting for us”.

The first interdisciplinary seminar “Cold regions” was held in October 2011 with participation of Rodger William Pearson, Professor Emeritus of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, as a seminar speaker. The seminar was dedicated to Alaska and included lectures on Northern Studies, Regional Studies, History, Higher Education Issues, Tourism and Circumpolar Region Environment.
All the lectures will take place on February 1-3 in the conference room of NEFU Research Library starting at 2 p.m. Everyone is invited: students, postgraduates, lecturers and those interested in political science, foreign geography and international economic relations.
Ignat ALESKEYEV, NEFU Newsroom