Since the launch of the seminar series in 2004, the first European Policy Seminar each year provides an overview of recent developments in European higher education policy. Unless you have, in the meantime, acquired psychic qualities to learn about these developments, you are warmly invited to join us on Friday, 30 January.
“What’s new in Brussels 2009” will present the latest information on, and analysis of, the Erasmus Mundus II Programme, other EU higher education schemes with non-European countries, as well as the plans for the Bologna Process after 2010 and the European Commission’s ambitions for global cooperation in science and technology. Other issues on the agenda are the French EU Presidency’s plans for a new approach to global higher education rankings, and a case study of global outreach in the form of the Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association. ACA is proud to once again have been able to win high-level experts as presenters, such as Vito Borelli, Sigi Gruber, and Peter van der Hijden from the European Commission and DAAD’s Angelika Sachsenröder. The event will be chaired by ACA Director Bernd Wächter.
Those of you that are no newcomers know that this event is extremely popular. The limited number of seats fill up quickly, so don’t forget to register.
Click here to register via website
What's New in Brussels 2009: Recent Developments in European Policies and Programmes
Thu, Nov 20, 2008
ACA's 20th European Policy Seminar
30 January 2009, Brussels, Belgium
30 January 2009, Brussels, Belgium