Closing date: 15 May 2023.

The shallow shelf seas north of Siberia show hotspots of high methane concentrations in bottom waters that might stem from ongoing organic matter decomposition, or from preformed deposits including methane hydrates and deeper thermogenic pools. In addition, increasing inflow of warm Atlantic water might destablize methane hydrates along the slopes. How much of this methane reaches the atmosphere depends on the efficiency of methane oxidation in sediments and the water column by aerobic or anaerobic microbial processes. Rates of methane oxidation in this area are largely unknown, limiting projections of current and future methane emissions from this important hot spot region.

The aim of this postdoctoral position is to provide observational constraints on methane oxidation rates in the Siberian Arctic Ocean, using samples and data from previous Arctic Ocean expeditions that are already available in Stockholm. These include a growing dataset on concentrations, 13C- and D-isotopic composition of methane across the water column and sediment pore water at hot spot and background locations, surface sediment samples, and sediment cores from decadal to glacial/interglacial age. Potential approaches might include the use of gradients in methane isotopic composition with distance from source, sediment incubations, biomarker approaches etc. Applicants are asked to provide a research plan as part of their application.

The advertized postdoctoral is part of the FORMAS project OASIS (Ocean Acidification in the SIberian Seas: The impact of permafrost thaw and methane; PI Birgit Wild), and is connected to a VR Distinguished Professor Grant (collaboration partner Örjan Gustafsson).

Read more and apply here.