The UArctic Board has general responsibility for UArctic’s development and for its main priorities. The Board is a group of elected individuals and is currently comprised of the following members (see list).

UArctic’s Bylaws define the student representation in the Board of UArctic as consisting of three individuals, each appointed for a three-year term. Thus over a 3-year cycle each student will; in the 1st year of appointment serve as representative elect, in the 2nd year serve as the representative, and in the 3rd year serve as the outgoing representative. See section 4 of the UArctic Bylaws for full details of Board member responsibilities and elections.

In May 2023, the current outgoing student representative will complete his term on the Board, so this nomination process is for the appointment of a new student representative elect. In nominating and selecting members of the Board, efforts are made to ensure broad geographic, cultural and indigenous representation, as well as gender balance. The full call includes an overview of this nomination and selection process, as well as details on what information is to be included when nominating a student.

Appointed for a three-year term a student representative on UArctic’s Board should be:

  • A registered student from a UArctic member institution (at the time of appointment);
  • In good academic standing, and preferably having participated in a UArctic activity (i.e. Circumpolar Studies; north2north mobility; student seminar, etc.);
  • Able to represent a variety of student interests connected to the North;
  • Able to make the time commitment necessary (approx. 5hrs/month); and be
  • Willing to maintain close communications with relevant student organizations.

Each student representative has the opportunity to attend any meeting of the Board, however any given meeting only one representative can vote, with the voting student receiving financial support from UArctic to participate. However, to increase student participation, each student representative candidate’s home institution (i.e. UArctic member) is encouraged to provide financial support to cover travel and accommodation costs for their student to attend a maximum of two UArctic Board meetings during the three-year term.

Members of UArctic are invited to submit preliminary nominations to the Secretary of the Nominations Committee, The deadline for nominations has been extended to March 7, 2023. Please see the full call details in this document.

Following an evaluation, UArctic’s Nominations Committee will submit a proposal to the Assembly, who will then vote to elect the new Board student representative during their meeting in May 2023.