The ARCUS Annual Meeting is an important opportunity for ARCUS' MembersBoard of Directors, staff, and other interested individuals to meet, talk, and connect with one another around key Arctic research and education issues and collaboration opportunities. 

Register for the meeting here.

A draft agenda for the event is now available for download here (PDF - 116 KB). The interactive meeting will focus on breakout group discussions to encourage sharing and networking. Discussion themes for this year's event include: 

  • Utilizing Indigenous Co-Production of Knowledge Frameworks & Supportive Practices
  • Identifying Supports for International Collaborations
  • Bridging Alaskan & North Atlantic Arctic Research Agendas
  • Exploring ARCUS Member Goals, Activities, & Expertise
  • Promoting Alignment & Connections Across Arctic Research Networks

This meeting is open to all interested participants and there is no cost to participate. 

For more information and to register, go to:
ARCUS Annual Meeting Webpage

For questions, contact:
Brit Myers